Below are images and videos that may reflect brain injury visual symptoms. These are designed to scroll through to view/show patients/caregivers/providers, etc. how someone’s vision may appear when words are not enough.

Under each image below, you will see a list of words or phrases that describe aspects of each respective picture. This is not meant to be an all inclusive list. Feel free to use your own words that best describe what you see.

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If you are looking to download an image for educational purposes, etc, please visit this site and enter the password “concussion” to access the ability to order an image based on need to download or contact us to collaborate.


If you don’t see what you are looking for, contact us.

Note: more images are in the works and should be posted soon.

Multiple or Double

Image 1

Suggested Words to Share: colors are too bright, overstimulating, 3D vision without glasses on, items appear to jump out, too much to take in, grocery store overwhelm - too many colors, products, buzzing

Image 2

Suggested Words to Share: words don’t align, extra dimension, double vision, shadowed

Image 3

Suggested Words to Share: partially washed out, double vision, not aligned, shadowed, jumping

Image 4

Suggested Words to Share: close up, not quite aligned, double, jumping, shadowed

Image 5

Suggested Words to Share: double vision, stacked, shadowed, layered, blur, haze

Image 7

Suggested Words to Share: double vision, jumping, stacked, shadowed, layered, skipping, too much movement to take in, slow eye movement

Image 8

Suggested Words to Share: double vision, jumping, stacked, shadowed, layered, skipping, too much movement to take in, slow eye movement

Image 9

Suggested Words to Share: double vision, jumping, stacked, shadowed, layered, skipping, too much movement to take in, slow eye movement, blurred, overstimulation

Image 37

Suggested Words to Share: shadowed, double

Image 39

Suggested Words to Share: shadowed, double, clear or crisp, yet still off, still 20/20

Image 38

Suggested Words to Share: shadowed, double, clear or crisp, yet still off

Image 40

Suggested Words to Share: shadowed, double, clear or crisp, yet still off, still 20/20


Light Sensitivity - Headlights

Image 11

Suggested Words to Share: light sensitivity, halos, blur, hazy, fuzzy, circles, lights hurt, visual afterglow

Image 12

Suggested Words to Share: light sensitivity, star bursts, lights hurt, lights overpower all other objects (not represented in this exact image)

Image 13

Suggested Words to Share: too bright lights, hazy streaks around lights, long streaks, lights hurt, glow, halos

Image 14

Suggested Words to Share: too bright lights, harsh light streaks, long streaks, lights hurt, glow, halos, too much contrast



Image 15

Suggested Words to Share: items fuzz over, hazy, blurry, fine jagged edged letter C, colors glow and are off, too bright colors, especially overhead lighting, migraine aura, flashes of light

Image 16

Suggested Words to Share: items fuzz over, hazy, blurry, colors glow and are off, too bright colors, especially overhead lighting, colorful glow can be seen when eyes are closed or open

Image 41

Suggested Words to Share: items fuzz over with dark edges, clear in the middle, yet double, hazy, blurry, soft jagged edged letter C that fades, colors glow and are off, too bright colors, migraine, zigzag, colorful zigzag, migraine aura

Image 43

Suggested Words to Share: migraine, zigzag, white double zigzag, blur all over, flashes of light, migraine aura

Image 42

Suggested Words to Share: migraine, zigzag, colorful zigzag, blur all over, flashes of light, migraine aura


Double or Triple?

Image 19

Suggested Words to Share: triple vision, blurred, slow-eye movement

Image 20

Suggested Words to Share: double vision, blurred, slow-eye movement


Sparkles or Snow

Image 21

Suggested Words to Share: seeing stars

Image 22

Suggested Words to Share: seeing stars, visual snow, washed out, too bright, too much to process, close eyes to open

Image 23

Suggested Words to Share: visual snow, tv static, speckled


Washed Out

Image 24

Suggested Words to Share: washed out, too bright, close eyes to open in sun, harsh light, light hurts, readjusting - hard



Image 25

Suggested Words to Share: difficulty focusing eyes, blurred, fuzzy, hazy, softly pixelated

Image 26

Suggested Words to Share: pixelated, difficulty focusing long distance, clarity up close

Image 27

Suggested Words to Share: difficulty focusing eyes, blurred, fuzzy, hazy, softly pixelated

Image 28

Suggested Words to Share: pixelated



Image 29

Suggested Words to Share: difficulty focusing eyes, blurred, fuzzy, words don’t line up, words skipped without realizing, words shift or move, words swim, tunnel vision, darkened periphery, double vision, buzzing

Image 30

Suggested Words to Share: words don’t line up, words skipped without realizing, words shift or move, words swim, 3D vision without the glasses on, double vision


Tilted - 30 Degree Vision (lower right quadrant of right eye In image Below) - can be any eyE

Image 31

Suggested Words to Share: bottom right quadrant of right eye is at a 30 degree angle


Dark and/or scratchy around the edges

Image 18

Suggested Words to Share: jumping, motion skips, slow-eye movement, blurred, darkened periphery, tunnel vision, distant light sources can be bright and closer objects can appear darker

Image 32

Suggested Words to Share: buzzing, too bright, swimming periphery, tunnel vision, blurred/darkened periphery, outside colors are washed out



Image 60

Suggested Words to Share: scratchy on edges, getting darker towards edges, swirling near center, but going out. Clear in the middle, buzzing

Image 61

Suggested Words to Share: swirl, double, movement



Image 33

Suggested Words to Share: midline blur, peripheral blur, hazy, distance focusing, missing peripheral vision

Image 34

Suggested Words to Share: midline blur, intermittent blurring, hazy, focusing

Image 6

Suggested Words to Share: double vision, stacked, shadowed, layered, blur, hazy, missing peripheral vision, smeared



Image 35

Suggested Words to Share: pattern buzzing, overstimulation, objects not aligning, challenging to focus

Image 36

Suggested Words to Share: pattern buzzing, light splotches, clear in certain spots, unable to focus in others


Picasso Face

Image 10

Suggested Words to Share: scrambled, Picasso face, overstimulation, jumping around



Vestibular Video

Suggesting how it may appear when experiencing issues with sense of depth, motion, & convergence

COoking An Egg

Developed in Collaboration with Dr. Kevin E. Houston, Massachusetts Eye and Ear

Stairs - Split

Developed in Collaboration with Dr. Kevin E. Houston, Massachusetts Eye and Ear

GRocery Shopping

Developed in Collaboration with Dr. Kevin E. Houston, Massachusetts Eye and Ear

Driving Video

Sharing how convergence issues may appear while driving

Walking Across Street

Developed in Collaboration with Dr. Kevin E. Houston, Massachusetts Eye and Ear

Stairs - Prism Simulation

Developed in Collaboration with Dr. Kevin E. Houston, Massachusetts Eye and Ear