Below are images and videos that may reflect brain injury visual symptoms. These are designed to scroll through to view/show patients/caregivers/providers, etc. how someone’s vision may appear when words are not enough.
Under each image below, you will see a list of words or phrases that describe aspects of each respective picture. This is not meant to be an all inclusive list. Feel free to use your own words that best describe what you see.
Download Information:
If you are looking to download an image for educational purposes, etc, please visit this site and enter the password “concussion” to access the ability to order an image based on need to download or contact us to collaborate.
If you don’t see what you are looking for, contact us.
Note: more images are in the works and should be posted soon.
Multiple or Double
Light Sensitivity - Headlights
Double or Triple?
Sparkles or Snow
Washed Out
Tilted - 30 Degree Vision (lower right quadrant of right eye In image Below) - can be any eyE
Dark and/or scratchy around the edges
Image 60
Suggested Words to Share: scratchy on edges, getting darker towards edges, swirling near center, but going out. Clear in the middle, buzzing
Image 61
Suggested Words to Share: swirl, double, movement
Picasso Face
Vestibular Video
Suggesting how it may appear when experiencing issues with sense of depth, motion, & convergence
COoking An Egg
Developed in Collaboration with Dr. Kevin E. Houston, Massachusetts Eye and Ear
Stairs - Split
Developed in Collaboration with Dr. Kevin E. Houston, Massachusetts Eye and Ear
GRocery Shopping
Developed in Collaboration with Dr. Kevin E. Houston, Massachusetts Eye and Ear
Driving Video
Sharing how convergence issues may appear while driving
Walking Across Street
Developed in Collaboration with Dr. Kevin E. Houston, Massachusetts Eye and Ear
Stairs - Prism Simulation
Developed in Collaboration with Dr. Kevin E. Houston, Massachusetts Eye and Ear